Healthy Meals Recipes and Fat Burning

A fat burning recipe forms really a part of healthy meals recipes and it is extremely easy to make, and at the same time tasty. The benefit of these recipes is besides being healthy, they decrease the boredom which fat people are subjected to during a weight-loss campaign. Here, we are giving some such delicacies. You as well can make such kinds of simple delicacies adding your own mixtures.

Our first dish is Mexican pizza. For this, you will have to take whole wheat pitas, 1/4 cup of low-fat mozzarella, 1/3 cup of pre-cooked chicken breast, 2-4 tbsp of diced pineapple, pasta sauce as per your need, a piece of cooked and crumbled turkey bacon, a tsp of oregano and pepper to taste. To start with, preheat the oven to 425° C. During that time, cover the pitas with all the ingredients and then bake for 10 to 12 minutes. This pizza renders just 410 kcal per piece and is utmost yummy.

Next yummy dish is a soup containing coconut milk and butternut squash. To prepare this, the needed contents are 6 cups of peeled and cubed butternut squash, a small chopped onion, ¼ cup of sherry, white wine or rice vinegar, 1 can of coconut milk, 1 heaped tbsp of Thai green curry paste, 1 tbsp of peanut oil and 1 cup of chicken or vegetable broth. Chop all the veggies. Shallow fry onion till it becomes tender and transparent. Deglaze the pan with wine, sherry or rice vinegar. Add rest of the contents. Cook on a low heat till the squash becomes tender. Puree the mixture in a hand mixer, take out and enjoy. This fat burning recipe is one of the most mouthwatering healthy meals recipes and renders just 188 kcal per serving.

Here is the next tasty delicacy containing miscellaneous [things|foods|food items} such as fruits, veggies, eggs, and turkey bacon. All these are fat melting foods and you can mix them to make a delicious delicacy to give pleasure to your taste buds. You will need ¼ cup of sliced ripe avocado, 2 to 3 cups of spinach, an orange, 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, ¼ cup of salsa and 3 pieces of turkey bacon. To make this, take two separate pans, one for making turkey bacon and other for cooking spinach with eggs. During the cooking time of turkey bacon, make spinach ready and put eggs to it and blend well. Put oranges, some of the turkey bacon and avocado to the spinach-egg combination and after a while, turn the heat off and take it in a plate Garnish the top with salsa and add the rest of the bacon and enjoy. It imparts just 510 kcal per serving.

And now, here is another dish for those of you who love sweets. It is a parfait of chocolate and banana. You will have to take 1 cup of fat-free, sugar-free instant pudding mix, 2 tbsp of shaved dark chocolate, a banana and 8 tbsp of sugar-free cold whip. Make the pudding reading the directions on the box and in two glasses make layers of pudding, cold whip and banana twice. Let it cool in the refrigerator and at the time of serving garnish the top with shaved chocolate and relish. This mouthwatering parfait offers merely 115 kcal per serving.

Source: Free Articles from

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